PACE strengthens mental abilities — the skills and tools we need to learn or work faster, easier and better.
​Contact Us: 801-913-3487

Phonemic Awareness is the ability to hear, identify,and manipulate phonemes, the smallest units of sound that can differentiate meaning. For example breaking the word "cat" into three distinct phonemes requires phonemic awareness. A student's skill in phonemic awareness is a good predictor of later reading success. Phonemic awareness is a core skill taught in the PACE program. We practice it until it becomes automatic and reading begins to flow much more easily. Gaining automaticity with phonemic awareness also helps older students who struggle with reading.
Phonemic Awareness

Phonics is the relationship between sounds and written symbols. The PACE activities that teach phonemic awareness also serve to develop automaticity with phonics. Once these skills become automatic, the student is free to think about the meaning of what is being read instead of having to focus mental resources on struggling to sound out words.

Attention/Concentration is the ability to stay on task or ignore distractions. For example we want students to be able to stay focused on reading while another activity is going on nearby. During PACE activities we work with the student to become better able to continue a task while ignoring distractions. This is a brain skill that research has shown can be trained.

Some Key Learning Skills For Improved Reading

It's All Greek to Me!
Monday, February 12, 2018
Understanding Specific Reading Comprehension Deficits (S-RCD) in Children
Having Specific Reading Comprehension Deficits (S-RCD) is like trying to read a foreign language--because you know how the words are pronounced--but you have no idea what the words mean. Research shows that there's even a difference in the brain of someone with S-RCD which can be seen with neuroimaging. A recent study found that while children with dyslexia showed abnormalities in the occipital temporal cortex (the area of the brain associated with recognizing words on a page), children with S-RCD had abnormalities in the region associated with memory.
& Resources
Learn how our Processing and Cognitive Enhancement program (PACE) can improve learning skills for any age!
Improve reading, math and so much more!
Attention and concentration
Processing speed
Problem solving
Visual processing
Phonemic awareness
Welcome to Advance Learning Skills!

Born That Way?
Monday, February 12, 2018
Why a Link Between Genetics and Math Struggles is Mostly a Myth
If you or your spouse struggled with math when you were in school, it might be tempting to chalk up your child's dyscalcula (the technical term, which simply means "trouble with numbers") to genetics. But the truth is there's no such thing as someone being born bad at math, and it's certainly not a pre-determined destiny. But for most people, math struggles are caused by these two specific things.
Earth to Space Cadet!
How ADHD Manifests Differently in Girls
Just because your daughter doesn't "act out" in school doesn't mean she doesn't have attention struggles. While boys ADHD symptoms tend to be more "external," girls' symptoms tend to be more "internal"

Email Us:
Linda: SLC, UT
Jennie: Grantsville, UT
Julia: Orem, UT